Tender x-ray spectrometers

The BRIMSTONE is a high performance tender x-ray emission spectrometer (2-5 keV). Using an innovative optical geometry and standard x-ray tube, this instrument provides synchrotron-quality x-ray emission spectra (XES) at synchrotron-level count rates. The ~1-eV energy resolution strongly outperforms all traditional WD-XRF systems in this energy range, with high-profile applications for sulfur and phosphorus speciation.

Tender X-ray instruments cover all the highlighted elements
Custom Instruments
Our team has decades of experience designing and building a wide range of custom x-ray instruments for both the laboratory and synchrotron environment. This includes calibration platforms, emission and inelastic scattering spectrometers for synchrotron endstations, custom sample environments for in situ studies, and special-purpose sample holders. We work closely with you to find reliable, high-performance designs that meet your technical and safety specifications.